Use Cases

Break Down Silos with Location Master Data Management

Managing and sharing information to different target groups is important across different industries and stakeholders. Some of the applications are described below.

Logistics Service Providers

Maintain Information About the Locations You Deliver to and Pick Up From

LogBook can be used as operational data store, allowing for the maintenance of the data to be done by the stakeholder that knows best, the location owner.

Additionally, LogBook will provide the means to store geofences for each location, which can be used to make real-time visibility platforms more powerful.

Onboard your new customers with LogBook to make sure the data relevant to shipment operations is available and up to date.

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Unlock the Power of Your Location Network

Many large organisations suffer from poor visibility into their own location network.

LogBook is used to distribute the maintenance of the data to the employees that know best (on-site) and provide central management unparalleled transparency.

In addition, LogBook allows to connect to suppliers and customers to have a common source of truth for locations and their respective capabilities when it comes to transport.

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Commercial Real Estate

Efficiently Manage Your Assets

When managing assets such as warehouses, information management is key.

Whether it is about communicating the right information to internal stakeholders or sharing data with potential buyers, the LogBook platform offers many tools to increase efficiency in the management proccess.

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Large Dynamic Sites

Communicate Efficiently With All Stakeholders

Locations such as construction sites or outdoor production facilities such as forestry, farming, or mines have rapidly evolving geographies, i.e. the relevant locations for external stakeholders are changing.

To simplify the communication with these parties, LogBook offers simple mechanisms to quickly communicate new information.

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Software Providers

Work With the Highest Grade Location Data

From transport management software to real-time visibility, many state-of-the-art software solutions require accurate and up-to-date location data to optimally perform.

LogBook offers integrations that allow software providers to leverage a comprehensive data catalog and given the customers consent, access to the data maintained by them.

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Ready to Get Started?

See how LogBook unlocks the future of logistics for you.